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Frequently Asked Questions
TAX DEADLINE / APR. 15, 2025
What is an Executor?An executor is an individual, bank or trust company appointed in a Will to collect the decedent's assets and distribute them.
Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)In 2019, there are three things to know about the Affordable Care Act. First, there is no longer a penalty for not having health insurance. As before, if you had health insurance but didn't get an income based premium reduction then you will not owe a penalty. Second, as before, you will still owe money if you estimated your income would be low, got a premium reduction and the income on your return is higher than estimated. In that case, you will pay some of the reduction back. If your income is lower than estimated, you'll get a tax credit. Third, as before, if you get an income-based reduction in 2019, we must have your Form 1095-A. The return we prepare will compare your Form 1095-A premium reduction to what your 2019 income qualifies you for, to calculate a penalty or credit.
Decedent's Estate Tax ReturnReturns for a decedent's estate are due 9 months after death. The 9 month deadline can be extended for 6 months. However, other important actions may be required sooner than this. You should check with a lawyer before dealing with a decedent's property or signing or filing anything regarding a decedent's estate.
Due Dates for Estimated PaymentsAny due date which falls on a weekend or holiday is extended to the following business day. When sending your payment, include a payment voucher (Form 1040-ES) and write "2020 Income Tax" and your Social Security Number on the check. If you file a joint return, use the "Taxpayer" Social Security Number (the person listed first on your return). 4th Quarter 2019 - due January 15, 2020 (write "2019 Income Tax") 1st Quarter 2020 - due April 15, 2020 2nd Quarter 2020 - due June 15, 2020 3rd Quarter 2020 - due September 15, 2020 4th Quarter 2020 - due January 15, 2021 Tennessee Residents Mail Estimated Payments to: Internal Revenue Service PO Box 931100 Louisville, KY 40293-1100
What is a Trust and Trustee?A Trust holds property for one or more beneficiaries, for example, a spouse or minor children. A Trust can be funded during life or through a Will at death. A Trustee makes investment decisions, pays expenses and eventually distributes property to the beneficiaries.
What is a Living TrustA Living Trust is usually created by someone to hold their own property during life and distribute it to beneficiaries at death. During life, the person can change or revoke it. After death the property avoids probate and passes directly to beneficiaries.
What is Probate?Probate is a court-supervised distribution of a decedent's assets to beneficiaries named in a Will. Many assets are distributed outside Probate; life insurance, retirement plans and some jointly owned property are examples. Probate comes from the Latin word probare (to prove) which refers to a court's decision whether a Will is valid.
What is a Living Will?In a Living Will one gives instructions about withholding or withdrawing life support if one is (1) terminally ill and (2) unable to give instructions. It also contains instructions about organ donations.
What is a Power of Attorney (POA)?A Power of Attorney authorizes someone else to act for you. They can be used for single transactions, or can apply generally to business and medical decisions for an indefinite period.
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